


诺克斯 首页Box提供消防部门在紧急情况下进入您的家
New 诺克斯 首页Box installed at residence in VillageWalk in Bonita Springs, Florida
大约40年前, 诺克斯公司 took on the challenge of developing a complete rapid entry system specifically designed for firefighters. In 1975, the first 诺克斯-Box® was introduced to the fire service and a unique concept in fire response was born. 诺克斯-Box很快成为消防行业高安全性锁箱的首选. In 1981, a section of the Uniform 火 Code mandating the use of rapid entry lock boxes was adopted and remains in use today.
City of Riverside 火 Department demonstrates use and importance of a Residential 诺克斯-Box®
保护学生, 员工和财产通过提供一个完整的, 校园设施的安全钥匙控制系统.
你是否曾在到达现场后发现很难打开诺克斯盒子? Overtime grit can build up in a lock core, particularly if the lock core isn’t used often. 这些堆积起来的砂砾会使盒子难以打开. 诺克斯利用高品质, precision locks that require a minimal amount of 维护 to insure continuous reliability. 但是,建议每年对锁进行检查和维护. 也, this is a convenient time to check the condition of the box and door gasket as well as verify that the key contained in the box is still current. A few minutes of your time now can help to ensure the 诺克斯 products in your jurisdiction work as designed when needed most.
新的2012年IFC要求密钥框符合UL 1037攻击标准
我们与朋友、家人和企业的互动方式正在迅速演变. 甚至我们购物的方式也发生了变化. You may not have noticed but 诺克斯 has been making continual changes to our website to address this new reality. 当我们第一次发布knoxbox时.com(早在1998年),这是一个地方,找到一般信息的诺克斯系统. 今天, 你可以研究产品, register your jurisdiction and even have property owners purchase products online. 我们最新重新设计的网站专注于改善每个访问者的体验.
Thank you for taking the time to watch this video wihich demonstrates how to properly lock and unlock 诺克斯 FDC devices. We will begin the demonstration by reviewing the tools and the products associated with this product line.
诺克斯公司 has been the leading provider in Rapid Access Solutions to the fire service, 在政府和安全行业工作了30多年. 诺克斯Box住宅项目是诺克斯快速入口系统的扩展, that provides first responders with safe and immediate to a residential property in the even of an alarm or an emergency.
我们在这里讨论诺克斯Box快速输入系统. The benefits are it's a free service to the 火 Department to provide more efficiency, 更大的可及性和减少伤害.
Stolen fire department connections place the entire building and its occupants at risk. 特氟龙胶带可以确保良好的螺纹密封, 但它并不能确保连接本身留在大楼上. This procedure will help ensure that 火 Department Connections in your jurisdiction are present when you need them.
This paper discusses long held historical perspectives and emerging technologies in the use of 电梯s for both tactical fire fighting and evacuation operations
在危及生命的医疗紧急情况或火灾中,每一秒都很重要. 然而很多时候, firefighters responding to an emergency find access blocked by locked entrance doors or gates. 帮助减少提供紧急援助的延误, Avondale 火- Rescue promotes property owner use of the KNOX-BOX 快速输入系统.
不管钥匙是你的私人生意还是你的社区教堂, High Springs 火 Chief Verne Riggall wants a copy made accessible to the fire department, 希望有一天它能帮你省钱, 甚至可能是某人的生命.
诺克斯公司以生产抗破坏产品而自豪. While the majority of the security components are engineered into the product design, the safe guarding of the KNOX-BOX is contingent upon the correct installation of the product.
By John Wisely and Megha Satyanarayana, USA TODAY A home health aid worker in Franklin Township, N.J. 能从她家的窗户看到昏迷的病人吗, 但无法进去帮忙.
波尔克县消防区.1 Implements the 诺克斯快速输入系统 for the Business and Residential Community
If you currently have the old style key box that was provided to you from the 火 District, emergency response units will continue to carry the key for that box in addition to the new 诺克斯...
St. 云火救援获得诺克斯住宅项目拨款
有了赠款资金, we purchased various props to teach children fire safety during our fire 预防 programs at schools, 日托中心, 还有生日派对,消防队长大卫·恩尼斯说. “这些巨大的道具是孩子们额外的视觉教学工具.
诺克斯公司 was founded in 1975 with the goal of developing a complete rapid entry system specifically for the fire service. 随着第一款诺克斯Box的推出, 钥匙控制和紧急进入商业建筑成为现实...
Around 10 years ago, Gainesville, Georgia adopted the International 火 Code for their community. This code grants the department the authority to require businesses to have a key box for emergency access. 在采用代码之后, 盖恩斯维尔决定在他们的管辖范围内实施钥匙箱规定. 在探索了不同的选择之后, 他们选择诺克斯系统作为他们社区的关键.
For the past several years the 诺克斯公司 has been working on the concept and development of an emergency electrical shutdown box. Given the hazards to firefighters when attempting to shut down electrical power for tactical operations, 这个产品过期很久了.
Most departments have had at least one property owner question the security of placing their key in a box mounted to the exterior of their building. 了解诺克斯-Box®的安全性将是一个问题. 诺克斯 has taken many steps to make the 诺克斯-Box as impregnable as possible with the majority of the security features designed into the box. We even submit our products to an independent testing lab (UL)* to make sure they meet the security standards we advertise.