Supporting First Responders

诺克斯致力于帮助急救人员和支持这些奉献的男女的项目. 我们坚信,对那些不知疲倦地为我们国家的急救人员提供帮助的组织做出贡献是有好处的.


Participate in "Followers for the NFFF" and Support this Important Foundation

July 2020 – The recently launched Followers for the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation campaign began July 9 and continues through August 2020, or until $50,000 is raised to help the NFFF as they fulfill their mission. During that time, 诺克斯将为我们的Facebook和/或LinkedIn平台上的每一个新粉丝捐赠5美元. 以下是诺克斯对NFFF管理的惊人项目的贡献. 


Knox Donates $10,000 to NFFF COVID-19 Emergency Fund

May 2020 -通过NFFF COVID-19应急基金筹集的资金中,85%以上将用于向受COVID-19大流行影响的急救人员及其家人提供项目和服务.



April 2020 3月初席卷田纳西州中心的悲惨龙卷风使纳什维尔消防部门的20多名成员失去了家园或遭受了严重的经济影响. Knox donated $30,000 to the Nashville Firefighters Foundation; and they disseminated the funds to area fire service industry members who endured the tornado’s greatest impacts. 


Knox Partners with National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF)

November 2019 -作为诺克斯公司持续致力于降低消防员风险的主要组成部分, 与国家牺牲消防员基金会的合作关系已经正式建立. 这两个组织在减少消防员每天面临的风险这一目标上有许多重要的协同作用. An $85,000 donation was presented to the foundation in November 2019.

“国家牺牲消防员基金会感谢诺克斯公司的慷慨捐赠和支持,” said Chief Ronald J. Siarnicki是国家牺牲消防员基金会的执行董事. “40多年来,他们一直支持消防员的安全,我们欢迎他们加入基金会.”



Valued Partners


National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF)

NFFF的使命是纪念和纪念美国牺牲的消防英雄, 提供资源,协助他们的家庭重建生活, 与消防服务社区合作,减少消防员的伤亡.

National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM)

NASFM的主要成员包括美国的高级消防官员及其高级副手.  NASFM的使命是保护生命、财产和环境免受火灾和相关危害. 诺克斯与NASFM合作,帮助教育消防部门和企业界保护FDC连接的重要性.

The FDNY Foundation

纽约消防局基金会是为纽约市消防局服务的官方非营利组织. 筹集的资金将帮助纽约消防局完成预防和应对火灾的任务, medical emergencies, disasters, and terrorist acts, 保护纽约市居民和游客的生命财产安全.

Center for Campus Fire Safety (CCFS)

CCFS是一个非营利性组织,致力于减少我国校园火灾造成的生命损失. 该组织作为宣传倡导者和校园消防安全信息澳门凯旋门开户.

Metropolitan Fire Chiefs Association


Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI)


Operation Finally Home

“终于回家”行动为受伤的军人及其家属提供无抵押住房, ill, or injured as a result of their service in the defense of our country.


Looking for Support from Knox?

诺克斯公司接受并审查以财务形式提出的潜在慈善捐赠请求, or in-kind (i.e. product donations) support to qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofits, 或者类似的慈善组织进一步履行合法慈善组织的使命. 慈善捐赠的受赠人必须是注册登记的非营利性组织,并有权接受慈善捐赠.

诺克斯将审查所有慈善捐赠请求的法律合规和商业适当性. 慈善捐款申请须于有关活动或节目举行前最少两个月呈交本会考虑.

To be considered for a product or monetary donation, please send an email to Neal Zipser, Industry Affairs manager, at

Include your organization’s mission, what type of product you are seeking or how much of a monetary donation is being requested; along with how and when the product will be used to benefit the organization and/or community. 包括任何相关的细节以及组织捐赠协调员的联系信息.

Knox can also help you with grant requests. Contact for more information and sample grant wording.